Theraputic Benefits Of Massage Therapy For Common Ailments
Massage therapy describes a variety of techniques and manual manipulations of the body in which touch, kneading, and pressure are applied to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia. Application of heat and essential oils are also common to produce a greater effect following a massage therapy session—such as increased stress relief, lowered anxiety, reduced inflammation, minimized pain, etc.
Massage is an ancient healing therapy commonly used for its therapeutic effect on disease and common ailments. Used globally for centuries, and now even modern research has shown a connection between massage and the improvement or relief of symptoms and ailments related to the following:




Back Pain





Chronic Pain

Chronic Diseases

High Blood Pressure

Joint and Muscle Injuries
In addition to providing relief for a variety of ailments, massage therapy (especially routine massage therapy sessions) can also provide additional benefits to the mind and body. One of the most prominent effects of massage therapy felt by nearly all clients is the immediate feeling of relaxation and calmness. Massage therapy elicits an endorphin response, the neurotransmitters that produce the feeling and sense of well-being. At their release, the levels of stress related hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine are reduced. In turn, these lowered stress hormones positively impact the body’s immune system as stress hormones actively impair the functioning of the immune system.
Other physical benefits of massage therapy include:

Improved Posture

Increased Flexibility

Reduced Muscle Stiffness

Improved Circulation

Stimulation of Lymphatic System

Heightened Mental Alertness

Improved Skin Tone

Immerse is a Mind & Body Day Spa offering a wide variety of services focused on two main areas of our clients’ needs: healing and relaxation. From giving our clientele a peaceful setting to rejuvenate and restore mental fortitude to helping our clients with physical needs like alleviating stress on muscles or specific areas of the body that need more intense therapeutic, regularly addressed work on the body.
Our staff focuses on providing an unparalleled experience for our guests to feel a tranquil, relaxed experience and the ability to find healing. Contact us to schedule your massage therapy service and begin your journey to a healthy and relaxed body and mind.